Thursday 26 September 2013

Various, the River Nile and Nile River Explorers camp, Bujagali

I woke up in my nice safari tent with no hangover thankfully. Some say that rafting is a great hangover cure, but it’s not something that I’ve ever wanted to try out. At about half eight, I and a few others got into a truck to go into Jinja to rendezvous with the rest of the rafters either staying at the hostel in Jinja or coming in from Kampala. This was supposed to be a sell out today, the main reason why my friend wasn’t joining me. He was told it was full up and so ended up doing the tandem kayaking the day before.

At the muster point for the first briefing I got my dull cup of coffee and ended up chatting to a bunch of randoms. An American on a long trip through Africa, a couple of girls who he’d met the night before in the hostel and a young English / Northern Irish married couple from Edinburgh. I’m not sure what it is about Edinburgh and Uganda, well apart from Amin being the last King and all that, but I feel like I’ve disproportionately met more people currently living in Edinburgh in Uganda than most of my trips to Edinburgh. It has to be some weird Amin thing.

Tangent over with, since there were six of us we’d decided to join up as a group and crew the raft together. First briefing over with it was time for the obligatory cold rolex and fruit salad after getting your personal flotation device and helmet. I happily munched on this breakfast on our way to the put in point. 2.5 out of 5, the rolex was dull, but the fresh fruit salad (watermelon, pineapple, passion fruit and sweet banana) made up for it.

Second more in depth safety briefing by the side of the river and we were ready to go. Our guide then took us through the practical training on the flat water before the first rapid. One of the key things that you need to learn is how to get back in the boat if you’re not. It’s pretty straightforward, if fairly inelegant, for a lump like myself. You hold on to the rope on the outside of the boat with hands about a shoulder length apart, get your body horizontal is and extend your arms away from the boat immediately followed by pulling yourself towards it whilst kicking with your legs. As long as you get your elbows locked you’re golden as you kick and flounder your way back to the inside. Even if this is tricky, pulling someone into a boat when you’re inside is dead easy too. Hold on to the life jacket (not the body), dunk them, then pull them up whilst they are kicking with their legs. At the same time you fall over backwards in to the inside of the boat having them fall on top of you. Simple.
Example safety raft
 Sadly the act of voluntarily falling over the side in to the calm warm water before getting back in the boat was too much for one of our number and she decided to spend the rest of the day in the safety raft, and we hadn’t even practiced flipping the boat which we did next. Practice over with our six person crew, five punters and one guide set off for the first rapid. The guides always ask you how crazy or gentle you want your experience to be and thanks to that dumb invention called democracy we went for medium instead of the cray-cray that I was advocating. As such we dodged the awesome waterfall and went down the fairly dull channel to the right of it. Nice and gentle in the raft.

The rest of the time was pretty uneventful, but still good fun. Lunch was the usual glucose biscuits and freshly macheted pineapple from the safety raft. And you can’t go wrong with sweet fresh pineapple. 2.5 out of 5. We got to the grade 6 and got out to walk around it. Trust me if you saw it you’d do exactly the same, the power of the river is staggeringly awesome. We put in just after, and managed to get right in the middle of the big hole immediately afterwards and somehow didn't flip. There were some pictures were you couldn't see us or the boat whilst going through this rapid. This was definitely the highlight of this trip.
Not us, but you get the idea
 The rest of the time was pretty uneventful, but I managed to convince the rest of the boat to start going a bit crazier, so we had one fairly tame flip, always good fun when you’re not worrying where and when your next breath of sweet, sweet air is going to come. Plus you have to breath quickly, take too deep a breath and you’ll be getting a lungful of Nile. There were a few more fun bits and at the end of the last rapid that’s like a roller-coaster of waves we all jumped out for yet another pleasant swim in the Nile before getting back in to get to the take out point.
Again not us, but you get the idea
We were one of the first groups to the buffet / bar area, so after a quick change in to dry clothes I got my Nile Special and plate of jacket potato, spicy beans, really good roast beef and baguette. Damn good grub would eat again. 3.5 out of 5. Enjoyed more free beer waiting to see the photos and in the truck back to the campsite. We managed to get back before dark and so I joined up with the others still around from the previous evening and went for the Bacon and Avocado Burger for my dinner.
Pic represntative
The patty was reasonable, not that massive, but fairly tasty and well-seasoned. It was cooked to medium and topped with a couple of rashers of streaky bacon and a couple of slices of creamy avocado. It’s a fairly classic taste and texture combination that worked well. The chips were nothing to write home about. To be honest I’m getting bored of commenting on dull chips so will only comment on great or terrible ones from now on. It’s still a pretty tasty burger. 3 out of 5.

I think, but I’m not sure if there were all sorts of shenanigans that night and possibly the previous evening. I’ll save them all for the next update even if it doesn’t all stack up to the right chronology. The evenings at NRE kind of blur in to one for me, always a good time, but I do know that I was knackered and so headed back to my tent at a very poor 10.30pm.
Back to where I started the day
Lastly just wanted to say thank you again to everyone for the wonderful leaving present of two superb days rafting on the Nile. I couldn't have asked for anything better.

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