Friday 11 October 2013

Dinner, Mish Mash, Kololo, Kampala

Pretty sure I’ve already mentioned this, but Wednesday nights at Mish Mash have the wonderful double bill of being open air cinema night and burger and a beer deal night. Having met up with my fellow diners from the previous evening we went in to the main outdoor area at the back of the building and ordered our various burgers and beers.

I've never seen it this busy thankfully
We waited for quite a while and sadly our burgers still hadn’t arrived by the time that the film was about to start so off we trotted to the open air cinema section of Mish Mash’s extensive gardens. It’s 5,000 UGX to watch a film, but you get a bag of popcorn to enjoy during the film. The film selection is an interesting one. When I’ve been there in the past Inglorious Basterds and Intouchables were showing. Tonight however was Joss Whedon’s comic book spectacle, The Avengers.
A much better version, I'm sure you'll agree
British viewers will know this as Avengers Assemble, so named to avoid any mix up with the cult classic The Avengers TV series or the God awful film version. Somehow I doubt there would have been any confusion from the vast majority of people who went to watch Avengers Assemble in the UK expecting Steed (McGee or Fiennes) turning up in a bowler hat with a brolly. I was also a fan of The New Avengers having my first crush on Joanna Lumley as Purdey, and a bit later the weird Sapphire and Steel alongside David McCallum a.k.a. Illya Kuryakin in the excellent The Man from U.N.C.L.E., which is being remade as a film apparently. Directed by ex-Mr. Madonna, and starring the Winklevoss twins, the newest Superman and that Prime Minister that ended up with Tiff Mitchell out of Eastenders. Rambling, sorry I’ll stop.

Before getting our seats for the film we’d obviously informed our waitress where we were moving to, so we’d still get our burgers. Unfortunately it was still a fairly long wait and I’d polished off most of my popcorn by the time my fellow diners’ burgers arrived. Mine didn’t and upon enquiring they’d completely missed my order and would have to start cooking it now. Despite trying my best for some sort of comp, none was forthcoming. The waitress clearly had no authority to do such a thing, and there was apparently no-one to escalate it to. I wasn’t asking the Earth, a free drink would have been nice.
I forgot that coffee salesman was in it too
Ages later, I think by the time Captain America was fighting Loki in Germany, my burger arrived. I had gone for the plain burger with blue cheese. The meal was pretty much the same as last time a damn good burger, nice wedges and a pot of mayo to dip them in. The blue cheese on the burger is suitably strong. Food wise it would get the same as last time, but due to the poor service this time round I’m knocking some points off. 2 out of 5.
Loved that show
Opinions on the film were split, but I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially a couple of funny bits from the Hulk. 3.5 out of 5. Before leaving we’d agreed to meet up for a fancy farewell dinner (they were both leaving Uganda soon) at The Lawns on Friday.

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