Tuesday 1 October 2013

Lunch, Good African Coffee Company, Lugogo, Kampala

Rafting was fun, but since I’d spent some talking to the kayakers at Nile River Explorers and after seeing the ridiculous tricks that the guys in the safety kayaks could do I was interested in giving it a go. Mountain Club of Uganda have a special deal with Kayak the Nile and offer a beginners lesson for a decent discount once a month. I was keen to give it a go, but sadly had to cancel as I had malaria.

Well I might have had malaria. I had most of the symptoms, but I was expecting malaria to feel worse than I was. It felt like a very bad cold, not even as bad as flu as I could manage to get to the kitchen and cook. Still I spent a day in bed and resolved to head to a surgery the next day if I was no better. Thankfully the rest worked, I was still pretty rough, but on the mend.

Since I’d eaten the meagre amount of food I had in my flat in the first few days of my recovery, I needed to do some shopping, but since I couldn’t manage to walk to the nearest supermarket I hopped on a boda and headed for Shoprite in Lugogo. With a rucksack full of provisions I thought I’d treat myself to some lunch at the nearby Good African Coffee Company where I’d had an underwhelming burger previously.

Perusing the menu looking for something suitable for my still not quite right stomach I went for my room service mainstay of a club sandwich. It came with chips. The club sandwich was a proper one, three pieces of toast, chicken, bacon and cheese as well as salad and mayo. This one didn’t have egg. Sadly my illness got the better of me and I could only manage a few chips and a quarter of the sandwich. I got a doggy bag though and finished it off later. The chicken was anaemic, bacon was fine not too much fat, cheese was bland and the bread was of the too sweet variety. One of the worst club sandwiches I’ve ever had, made worse by my being sick. 1.5 out of 5.

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