Monday 13 May 2013

Day 7, Supper, Mengo Market, Kampala

Another much needed lie in after many of the younger residents of Backpackers came back at all hours of the evening and morning from their Saturday nights out. This time however I was spared all but the noisiest / closest after putting my earplugs in. I was trying to get by without them, but finally succumbed. It was blissful silence most of the time.

After a leisurely lunch of cheese, ham and tomato toastie, I spent most of the day pottering and lazing around Backpackers. I was hoping to meet up with Hope, but as my phone still hadn’t been properly activated yet, I couldn’t call or text.

Come 7pm I was feeling peckish so I went out of Backpackers, down the Hill and up the next one toward Mengo Market. Without venturing into the warrens of the market I went to one of the road side food sellers and got a Rolex to compare with the one that I’d had in Buwama. I also bought two spicy beef sausages. Food in paper bags I headed back to the hostel to get an ice cold beer to wash it down with.

I went for the spicy beef sausages first. They smelled nice, had some taste because of the spices, but otherwise were horrible. Texture was hard to describe, but not pleasing. The meat, wherever it came from seemed to have been mixed with too much of some kind of flour. I made sure to try both just to make sure it wasn’t a one off. It wasn’t.

On to the Rolex. This one was much more like an omelette than the one in Buwama, and much the better for it. I was also happy to get tomatoes, onions and peppers in the mix. The chapatti however was really thick and overpowered the omelette filling at times. Total cost of the food was 3,000 UGX (75p).

Overall 2.5 out of 5 would definitely get a Rolex from there again. I’d pass on the sausages and might try one of the meat skewers next time.