Tuesday 14 May 2013

Day 9, Lunch at Office

The flat last night was a marked improvement on the previous two, but a bit of a mess thanks to 3 German students / volunteers who had no idea we were coming round. Two bed with separate living room and kitchen and two balconies. Not bad at all, but would be good to see a few more options before taking the plunge.

Got back to the hostel and over a drink and a burger got chatting to another recent arrival, who is working here for three months on his thesis at Makerere University on Tropical Forestry. I then got roped into a few drinking games with more Backpackers guests, who had an average age of 20 between the 5 of them. 

I'm not sure why they wanted their Dad involved in the fun, but it was very friendly of them. The Dad comparison was one of the first things I had to endure, but I got my own back in the end. I left them to it when they went out clubbing at 12am. Thanks to the earplugs I've no idea what time they got back.

Feeling a bit worse for wear the next morning, went through the usual rigmarole including a hot shower (the day before was cold) and into the office for 9am. I have a hypothesis on the hot water situation that I'll test out later.

After a short while Ben, one of the Directors here, came to see me and if I wasn't too busy (!) could I come with him and see some other people. I begrudgingly obliged (so busy) and was introduced to Alex the HR Manager. He asked about the sort of things that I've done in the past and showed me to what will be my new desk in the other building. It'll be a shame leaving Dan and Hope, but I'll visit regularly as Hope as taken the Peri-Peri sauce hostage.

Lunch rolled round again. Rice, matoke, greens (which were back to being red), and peas today. Plenty of Peri-Peri and a few drops of the Tabasco / Habanero blend that I bought as well. This other hot sauce has good consistency, is quite vinegary, and has a not unpleasant delayed burn at the back of the throat. After the meal I had a delightful fresh Pineapple juice. Because of that a solid 3 out of 5.

Quiet night tonight, hopefully the kids will be tuckered out this evening, but I find that highly doubtful, besides they'll have had all day lounging around to recover.

P.S. Not a lot of choice today, but matatu of the day goes to 'Miss World'