Wednesday 15 May 2013

Day 10, Breakfast at Backpackers, Lunch at Office again

Well my hypothesis has borne fruit. You see I had a lucky shower, trap 1 to be precise. I have never failed to have a hot shower in trap 1, traps 2 and 3 have always been cold or tepid, and 3 has virtually no water pressure. Yesterday whilst enjoying a nice hot shower in trap 1, I noticed something a bit peculiar and it wasn’t until later that the full consequence dawned on me.

So this morning, I ventured into trap 2 with a purpose (trap 1 was in use anyway), turned the cold water tap and was delighted and vindicated for the water to quickly become hot. Trap 1 is the only shower where the taps are correctly labelled, the other two showers are the wrong way round. Fingers crossed no more cold showers for me.

I made a huge mistake after that triumph though. I was about ten minutes early for work so I thought it would be a great idea to try out breakfast at the hostel. I plumped for the classic scrambled eggs on toast. Half an hour later it arrived. The bread here is ridiculously sweet, so I only managed one round of toast and the eggs are fairly bland. Given the state of the chickens it’s no surprise, and that’s the free range ones, god knows what the factories are like.

So 20 minutes late I got into work to go to my new office. Internet is just as terrible, but I have a desk slightly bigger than the ones in Victoria and I can get my knees and legs under it which is a great improvement.

One other downside of this new room is that I don’t see the procession of stuff coming from the kitchen for lunch, because of that I was the last one there and there wasn’t much left. No rice today, so went for the acholi / ugali / poncho thing. Adding a healthy dollop of Peri-Peri makes it actually taste of something.

Overall a below par 2 out of 5 for breakfast and lunch.

Commute back at the end of the day was fun. The first boda had its chain slip of twice in quick succession and the second one, despite his insistence didn’t know where he was going. It took me a massive 20 minutes to get back to the hostel.

Nothing particularly interesting matatu-wise. There are plenty of religiously themed ones, such as ‘God’s Decision’, which in my opinion gives a very cavalier and fatalistic approach to driving on these hazardous roads, but today’s prize goes to Samara, who is obviously a popular girl as I saw two matatus today called ‘I *heart* Samara’.

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