Saturday 11 May 2013

Photo updates

I'll try and include more photos in the walls of text that I keep publishing, but in the meantime here are a few choice photos taken so far. First a couple more of the launch party in Buwama.

Watching people work to get everything set up
The MC playing some fiddle type thing whilst singing, by all accounts he was very funny
And here are a few of where I'm staying. I wanted to get more pics of Kampala today, but trying to take pics on the back of a speeding boda weaving around the traffic wouldn't have been a good idea.

Courtyard in the middle of the hostel looking toward the bathrooms
My room in all its glory
My latest room, the old one didn't have a name

Lego Indiana Jones guards the room when I'm out

Outdoor are from the verandah with the wood fired pizza oven to the right

One of the camping areas with some bandas in the background
I should hopefully be able to take some more pics tomorrow.

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