Tuesday 7 May 2013

Lunch, Second Day at Work, Kampala

Well it was much quieter last night though I did manage to get a few annoying bites, with dinner. Back on a boda this morning and was deposited 10 minutes later at the top of the dirt track to the office and paid what will now be the going rate of c. 75p per trip. I also managed to get hot water out of the shower this morning so I knew everything was going to work out today.

So far today we’ve had uninterrupted power and wi-fi. That said the wi-fi is also working on African time and is incredibly slow. I haven’t had that problem at the Hostel so this is probably just due to the package that the NGO has. After some research last night apparently there is some 4G mobile network here as well. I might have to buy one of the modems (the Ugandan term for a dongle, for some reason they find the term dongle funny).

Lunch rolled round the same as yesterday at just before 2pm, there was matoke, African sweet potato, ugali, rice, peas, and fish. I opted for the Holy Carbohydrate Trilogy of matoke, rice and African sweet potato accompanied by peas. I still haven’t acquired the taste for the matoke, but will persevere. The acholi, not worth the effort. The rice and sweet potato same as yesterday and the peas were a nice. Pea reminiscent of a marrowfat, but more yellow than green in a yellowy stew. Hope went for the fish and was honoured to receive its head!

Nipped to the hole in the wall shop and had a bottle of bitter lemon courtesy of Coca-cola, can't remember the brand name of the top of my head. It was pleasant and refreshing, and apparently goes well with the local Gin.

Overall pretty much the same as yesterday, but with half a point off for the complete lack of edible animal protein, so 2 out of 5 today. I don’t think there’s going to be much variation on the scores for lunch over the next year.


  1. I'm not sure I read that right: you had FISH? what's next? Soup?

    1. You didn't I'm afraid, I went nowhere near the fish heads, and it did resemble a fish soup to be honest.
